Getting Started

Right after installation, please include vue-notifications lib into your project as following:

import VueNotifications from 'vue-notifications'

Vue.use(VueNotifications, options)

Attention: By default vue-notification sends all messages to console. Just because vue-notification is a kind of bridge between your app and actual UI notification library. For example you can use mini-toastr (npm i mini-toastr --save) as such UI library. Or any other if you want.

That's the core idea - to have single notification interface but keep an ability to replace UI lib without change tons of code

Setup and configuration (necessary)

As I said above - you have to use UI library that would draw actual notifications for you.

For this example I will use mini-toastr

Step-by-step guide

Let's do everything together

If you don't want spend too much time with this shit - you can go ahead and copy-past whole code from the bottom of this page


  • Import vue-notifications

Here we're including vue-notifications and mini-toastr in our project

import VueNotifications from 'vue-notifications'
import miniToastr from 'mini-toastr'

P.S. don't forget to install mini-toastr (npm i mini-toastr --save)

  • Setup types of the messages

This one is mostly related to mini-toastr. We basically want mini-toastr to have these 4 types of messages. Basically 'error' should be red and success - 'green'

const toastTypes = {
  success: 'success',
  error: 'error',
  info: 'info',
  warn: 'warn'
  • Activate mini-toastr

Here we make mini-toasr initialization with types from above

miniToastr.init({types: toastTypes})
  • Map vue-notification to mini-toastr

We want our messages to be called via vue-notificationbut be shown by mini-toastr, So :

function toast ({title, message, type, timeout, cb}) {
  return miniToastr[type](message, title, timeout, cb)

const options = {
  success: toast,
  error: toast,
  info: toast,
  warn: toast

This stuff will forward our messages, so in case of 'success', it will call miniToastr.success(message, title, timeout, cb), in case of 'error' it will call miniToastr.error(message, title, timeout, cb) and etc. Keep in mind that the types(like "success", "error" and etc) could be whatever you want. In this example we just use default stuff for both libs.

  • Activate the plugin

Okay, now we have to pass our options into the plugin. Actually vue-notification has auto-install, but we want to pass options from above to it, so that's the case why do we do this manually

Vue.use(VueNotifications, options)

All together

You can just copy-paste code below

import VueNotifications from 'vue-notifications'

// Include mini-toastr (or any other UI-notification library)
import miniToastr from 'mini-toastr'

// We shall setup types of the messages. ('error' type - red and 'success' - green in mini-toastr)
const toastTypes = {
  success: 'success',
  error: 'error',
  info: 'info',
  warn: 'warn'

// This step requires only for mini-toastr, just an initialization
miniToastr.init({types: toastTypes})

// Here we are seting up messages output to `mini-toastr`
// This mean that in case of 'success' message we will call miniToastr.success(message, title, timeout, cb)
// In case of 'error' we will call miniToastr.error(message, title, timeout, cb)
// and etc.
function toast ({title, message, type, timeout, cb}) {
  return miniToastr[type](message, title, timeout, cb)

// Here we map vue-notifications method to function abowe (to mini-toastr)
// By default vue-notifications can have 4 methods: 'success', 'error', 'info' and 'warn'
// But you can specify whatever methods you want.
// If you won't specify some method here, output would be sent to the browser's console
const options = {
  success: toast,
  error: toast,
  info: toast,
  warn: toast

// Activate plugin
// VueNotifications have auto install but if we want to specify options we've got to do it manually.
Vue.use(VueNotifications, options)

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