Introduction and WTF is it?

vue-notifications is "Vue.js agnostic non-blocking notifications library"... and it's a lie )) Seriously.

vue-notificationsit's basically a bridge between your actual app and UI-notfications libs, like mini-toastr.

Why do we need this?

Because we want to have a way to show notifications and a way to easy replace UI library that show them without rewrite the code.

What vue-notifications actually do?

It's allow you to declare your notifications in blocks like this one:

export default {
    name: 'DemoView',
    data () {
    methods: {
    notifications: {
      showLoginError: { // You can have any name you want instead of 'showLoginError'
        title: 'Login Failed',
        message: 'Failed to authenticate',
        type: 'error' // You also can use 'VueNotifications.types.error' instead of 'error'

And then call it via this: this.showLoginError(), and also with some override props: this.showLoginError({message: 'whatever'}).

Why do we need third-party UI lib (like mini-toastr)?

Well, because we want to be agnostic. That's mean that if at some step you would be fucked up with your UI library, vue-notifications will allow you to replace it as much easy as possible. Basically you would be required to replace vue-notifications's config. And that's all.

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